Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My fingertips they close your eyes...Off you dream, my little child

Just when I think that Matthew can't get any cuter....we have nights like tonight. Every Wednesday while Rob is at class, Matthew and I get to have a mommy/son date night. Tonight was my favorite date night of his 11 months. He is teething and has been a little fussy lately but tonight he was such a little angel and a joy to be around. When we got home, as I was putting all our stuff away and getting changed out of my work clothes, Matthew was playing with his toys and dancing. He has this little Elmo that is holding a dog that plays songs when you press him. Matthew was jamming and finally threw the Elmo aside so that he could swing his arms. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen him do! After his impromptu dance party, we did some crawling races down the hallway. I honestly think he is faster than me! 

You're making me go to the nail salon!?!
After some more dancing, wrestling, crawling and singing, we went for a short walk. Matthew loves his stroller and he points at everything as we walk around and I tell him what it is. Today we saw a white truck, a small puppy, a fire hydrant and lots of pumpkins on our short walk. The destination of our walk was a small nail salon a few blocks away so I could get my eyebrows shaped. 

Once we returned home from our walk, we had a Pearl Jam dance party. He was awesome. He was rocking out again: sitting, standing, crawling...everywhere he went, he would stop, look at me, and dance! It was so incredibly adorable. Then I picked him up and we danced around the living room for a few songs. At the end, we were both out of breath and laughing. It was so much fun!

After an appetizer of american cheese and wheat bread for Matthew and cheese and crackers for me, it was time for dinner. Matthew is getting more independent in his eating - he wants to do everything himself.  On Monday, I made "venus de milo" soup and we made Matthew some ground chicken and veggies separately. Tonight, I picked out some chicken, noodles and veggies from the soup and put them in his bowl and heated up a bowl of soup for myself. He seemed very excited to be eating the same dinner as Mommy and was SO proud of himself for eating like a big boy with a bowl and spoon. He's still working on the whole concept - he usually dumps out the food from the bowl and eats with one hand with a spoon in his other. But it's great practice for him and incredibly hysterical to watch. 

After dinner, Matthew had a bath and got dressed in his fleece fire engine pajamas - which make him look like such a big boy! We sat in the blue rocking chair and he had his bottle and fell asleep in my arms before we could even go and read a bedtime story. It was the perfect two and a half hours together, I would not have changed one second. 

Happy 11 Month birthday to my sweet baby boy! 

Tonight's title comes from "Around the Bend". The closest thing Pearl Jam has to a lullaby. 

1 comment:

  1. What a precious evening! Its so wonderful you have this venue to record and remember it =) He's such a cutie pie!
