Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Our little tree! :)
I have always loved the Christmas season - really..who doesn't?! I have so many wonderful memories and traditions with my family that I always look forward to this time of year. Last Christmas was fantastic, with the sweetest little one month old baby...but this year has been even better! Matthew is becoming such a fun little guy with such a personality and it's fun to share some Christmas traditions with him (even if he doesn't fully understand everything yet!). We read lots of Christmas and winter stories and sing Christmas carols at bedtime. Matthew thinks it's very funny when I forget the words to "12 Days of Christmas". 

Now that it's getting darker in the evenings, the Christmas lights in the neighborhood are on when we get home. He likes to point to his favorites, including the colorful tree across the street and the Santa on our own front lawn. Everything he says that has one syllable is "da" and two syllable words are "da-da" so he points to Santa and I say can you say "Santa" and he gets a huge smile on his face and says DA DA. Close enough, Matty!

We tried to take him to see Santa....not so successful. In his defense, he had been for his one year check-up in the morning and was a little off. We'll try again next Christmas. 

Another new "trick"...opening up wide to eat (or brush his teeth)
Speaking of one year...our little monkey is really turning into such a little boy, instead of a baby. On Thanksgiving morning, two days before his first birthday, he took his first steps! Since then, he has began walking everywhere! He is such a brave little trooper, it's a hard thing to learn to walk and he takes his fair share of tumbles but just gets back up and keeps going like it's nothing. It's so much fun watching him learn and discover all the new things he can now get in to :). He is such a smiley and fun guy and he knows how to turn on the charm. He loves going grocery shopping with me, or anywhere he can sit in the shopping cart. He smiles and waves at all the other customers and employees and loves when people smile or wave back. 

Cuddling with his friends
One of his new "tricks" which simply warms my heart everytime is when he gives kisses. My work day is always better when I have the remnants of a big, wet, sloppy baby kiss on my cheek! Another new thing he does is wave at us when we put him to bed. It is so adorable! After we have finished storytime (which now usually consists of more books, because Matthew will point to his bookshelf after we finish one book and we keep going) and after we sing songs and say goodnight, Matthew goes into his crib with his best friends - Barry and Eeyore. If he is ready for bed, he puts one arm around Eeyore, one around Barry and waves bye-bye to us. It is so cute and adorable and a great way to end his day!

At this time of year, and always, it's nice to take time to enjoy these little moments with my darling son.