Sunday, September 4, 2011

There's Nothing You Can't Do... (My 30 Before 30 List)

A few months ago, I read something about a "30 before 30 list" (a list the writer wanted to complete before they turned 30) and it got me thinking. I turn 30 on October 15, 2012 and there are some specific things I wanted to do within the next year. We have been living in New York for 3 years and tried to take advantage of the city as much as possible. I've gone to Broadway shows, seen the Rockettes, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, been to all 5 boroughs, and seen many of the other touristy things to do here...but there's still so much more! So that is where my list began and after weeks of brainstorming and thinking, I finally completed the list. I have a little less than 13 and a 1/2 months to complete it, but I'm confident I will succeed. I wanted to include a variety of I want to see and do, physical goals, cooking goals, and things I personally wanted to do. I also wanted to only include things that are within my control and that I think I can realistically complete by 10/15/12.

I would like to note that although I made this list, it's just for fun. I am extremely happy with what I have accomplished and experienced in my 28 years and 10 and a 1/2 months. I had my dream wedding and married my best friend. I gave birth to the most amazing little boy. We moved away from Massachusetts to try out a new area. I received my degree, my Masters, and landed a job doing exactly what I wanted. I've been on a cruise and done some travelling around the US (and Mexico). 

So here no particular order:

Jackie's 30 Before 30 List:
  1. Visit a zoo in New York
  2. Run a 5K
  3. Hold my son’s hand as he walks by himself
  4. Make a lasagna
  5. Cheer on my husband as he receives his MBA
  6. Visit the Met
  7. Drink a Long Island Iced Tea on Long Island
  8. Take a tour of the Brooklyn brewery
  9. Walk on the beach in the Hamptons
  10. Create a new blog to record memories
  11. Try 30 new recipes and blog about each one
  12. Eat real sushi
  13. Watch all the Harry Potter movies again in order
  14. Complete 100 consecutive push ups
  15. Watch “Casablanca” and “Gone with the Wind”
  16. Ride the carousel in Central Park
  17. Ride the feris wheel at Coney Island
  18. Try a wine from each of the 50 states
  19. Complete a crossword puzzle
  20. Take a tour of Fenway Park
  21. Listen to all of Pearl Jam’s studio albums in entirety
  22. See at least 3 more Broadway shows
  23. Complete 3 scrapbooks
  24. Sample cupcakes from Sprinkles, Magnolias and Carlo’s bakeries
  25. Ride on a motorcycle
  26. Buy myself a pair of kickass heels
  27. Try a spinning class
  28. See a plastic surgeon about the age spot on my cheek
  29. Go to dinner with all my siblings, just the 4 of us
  30. Read/reread 3 novels from high school English class.
If you have a list or had a similar list (doesn't have to be specifically before 30) what would be on it?
The song lyric for today's post comes from "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z!

With Alicia and Mom on Thanksgiving 2009 heading in to NYC to watch the parade!

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